Starting salaries in sport and event management

Starting salaries in sport and event management

If you love sports or other big events and you’re interested in making your passion into your career, then you surely want to know what you can expect to earn.In this article, you’ll find all you need to know about starting salaries in the sport and event sectors.

Top earnings in the sports sector

It’s not only sportsmen and women who can earn well in this sector; sports managers also have a good chance of earning a high starting salary, however, this greatly depends on the size and prominence of the sports club, association or brand.The average entry-level salary for a sports manager is around 2600 euro gross per month ( If you get a really good deal, you could earn as much as 1000 euro more per month.

If you’ve already completed a bachelor’s degree in sport management, then why not consider studying for a master’s? Annual starting salaries for master’s graduates can already range between 42,000 and 45,000 euro gross (Studium-fü our master’s in  International Sport & Event Management, you’ll be highly qualified for a career on the global job market. 

In the sports industry, it’s all about keeping your eye on the ball. The more commitment you show, the higher the rewards. Your salary can increase significantly and you could earn as much as unbelievable 6000 euros gross per month (

The influencing factors in the event scene

There are also considerable gender-based differences in earnings in the events sector: female event managers often earn less than male colleagues with the same qualifications. The annual difference can be as much as 10,000 euro gross (

Another factor which affects how much you can earn at entry level is whether you have completed an apprenticeship or a university degree in this field. Starting salaries for university graduates can already be up to 50 percent higher than for apprentices (, however, this difference evens out as you build up experience.After six years on the job, earnings for both these groups are at the same level. An event manager with ten years of experience can earn an annual salary of as much as 50,000 euro gross (

Are you interested in studying Sport & Event Management? Find out more about about study programs in this field at the University of Applied Sciences Europe.

As an event manager, your starting salary will be relatively low but will steadily increase as you gain professional experience. In sports management, it is the size and prominence of your future employer that counts. The amount you earn will depend on their profile, but even relatively small sports clubs offer plenty of good opportunities to advance your career and earn bonuses.

Starting salaries for management consultants

Are you interested in corporate communications and considering a career in the consulting industry? Our next article on Friday, March 29, 2019, will look at starting salaries for management consultants in various sectors, such as marketing, finance, and management.

If you would like to know more about studying for a master’s in business management, then take a look at our Corporate Management master’s program. You can download an information brochure  here!

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