UE Newsroom
Here you will find detailed information about the UE,
current press releases, media-profiles of our professors as well as images.
About UE
The University of Europe for Applied Sciences (UE) with campuses in Berlin, Potsdam (“UE Innovation Hub”), Hamburg, Iserlohn, Dubai and the Virtual Campus (“Campus in the Cloud”) is a state-recognised private university. Combining tech, data, design and business, it trains the digital pioneers of tomorrow and focuses on teaching relevant key skills for the job markets of the future – by breaking down traditional academic models. UE has more than 7.800 students from 140+ nations.
UE is part of GUS Germany GmbH (GGG), which is a dynamic network of higher education institutions with a thriving student body of over 15,000+ learners across campuses in Germany, Europe, and beyond.
You can find more information about the UE in our blog.

Press Spokeswoman: Jessica Barthel-Jelkmann
Phone: +49 (0)172 3640254
E-Mail: jessica.barthel@gusgermany.de
UE in Media
DER SPIEGEL also covers the UE press release in its "Work" section, titled "DALL-E and Leonardo AI: When Artificial Intelligence Generates Outdated Role Models," under the theme: KI im Job: Wenn Maschinen menscheln - DER SPIEGEL
UE-Psychology Professor Frank Esken gives an interview on antisocial personality disorders in connection with the U.S. elections. The interview has been published on platforms including MSN, Berlin-Live, and Moin.de: Donald Trump: Ego-Tour große Gefahr – „Anti-soziales Persönlichkeitsprofil”
October 2024
T3n reports on the UE study about stereotypical professional images in DALL-E and Leonardo AI: Künstliche Intelligenz: Studie deckt stereotype Berufsbilder in DALL-E und Leonardo AI auf - t3n – digital pioneers
August 2024
Prof. Wolfgang Merke gave an Podcastinterview to “The Retail Reality Show” and discussed the topic
„More than just sales - fascination and emotion in retail”
#27 Mehr als nur Umsatz: Faszination und Emotion im Handel neu entdecken - mit Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkle (University of Europe for Applied Sciences in Hamburg) - The Retail Reality Show | Podcast on Spotify
July 2024
- The Bremervörder Zeitung reports on a cooperation with UE Professor Lauritz Lipp and the Tetjus Tügel Museum: Wie Prof. Lipp das Bremervörder Tügel-Museum mit KI ins 21. Jahrhundert holt (brv-zeitung.de)
June 2024
- The Hamburger Abendblatt, in its announcement of the Altonale cultural festival, highlights the Pink Bear Project of the EU and explains “What’s the Deal with the Pink Giant Bear”: Altonale 2024: Was es mit dem pinken Riesen-Bären am Altonaer Balkon auf sich hat (abendblatt.de)
- The Communication Magazine picks up the EU analysis on the social media usage of state leaders: 42 Prozent der DAX-40-Konzerne nutzen Tiktok – Social Media | KOM – Magazin für Kommunikation
- Media outlets such as gmx.net, Web.de, and Frankfurt live.com report on the EU analysis: “UNESCO World Heritage Sites: 50 percent are free, 38 percent barrier-free”: UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe: 50 Prozent sind kostenlos, 38 % (frankfurt-live.com)
May 2024
- The Hamburg Journal interviews Michael Kwast about the Pink Bear Project on the evening news on May 30, 2024: Hamburg Journal | 30.05.2024 (ardmediathek.de)
April 2024
- MSN.com and Focus Online report under the title “How Easily the Federal Government Can Save Billions” on the analysis of the 29th Subsidy Report of the EU: Haushalt: So leicht kann die Bundesregierung Milliarden einsparen – FOCUS online
March 2024
- AI-Expert and UE-Professor Iris Lorscheid is giving an intriguing interview within her brandnew pocast – episode at “Digital 25”. She talks about the explosive development of AI and discussing humanoid robots:
February 2024
- The guest article by Prof. Wolfgang Merkle in Absatzwirtschaft discusses the trust of brands and customers in times of crisis: Marken und Kund*innen: das Vertrauen in der Krise – absatzwirtschaft
January 2024
- T-Online reports on the UE’s fitness analysis on the topic: “In these fitness studios, you train best and cheapest”: https://www.t-online.de/leben/aktuelles/id_100317874/mcfit-fitx-co-die-besten-und-guenstigsten-fitnessstudios-in-deutschland.html
- The Münchener Merkur quotes UE psychologist and Professor Dr. Frank Esken on the topic of subsidies: https://www.merkur.de/wirtschaft/landwirtschaft-bauernstreik-wohnungsbau-bundesregierung-subventionen-48-milliarden-euro-zr-92773509.html
December 2023
- The E-commerce Magazine publishes the UE’s study on the topic “Shipping Costs: What the 50 Largest Online Shops Charge” and quotes Prof. Dr. Ebbo Tücking: https://www.e-commerce-magazin.de/versandkosten-was-die-50-groessten-onlineshops-berechnen-a-40d4b4e069682f43221cebb18490eea4/
November 2023
- Among others, the Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitung reports that the UE was awarded the PR Prize for the student project “Brokdorf bleibt” as an exceptional communication campaign: https://www.shz.de/lokales/wilster/artikel/preis-fuer-kernkraftwerksprojekt-brokdorf-bleibt-45960722
October 2023
- The DUP Entrepreneur Magazine quotes Prof. Thomas Rieger under the title “Good Home Office, Bad Home Office” on topics of corporate health management: https://dup-magazin.de/management/new-work/mental-health-awareness-gutes-homeoffice-boeses-homeoffice/
- The magazines Docma and Digitalfoto.de report on the UE’s analysis on the topic: “University of Europe examines worldwide photo competitions – Which motifs achieve the highest prize money”: https://www.docma.info/news-szene/university-of-europe-untersucht-weltweite-fotowettbewerbe-welche-motive-die-hoechsten-preisgelder-erzielen
June 2023
- The Hamburger Abendblatt interviews Prof. Wolfgang Merkle on the topic of the bankruptcy of Galeria, Karstadt, Kaufhof: https://www.abendblatt.de/wirtschaft/article238719235/Kaufhaus-Krise-Nicht-im-Elmshorner-Modehaus-Ramelow.html
- Gulf News reports on the opening of the UE Campus in Dubai, UAE: https://gulfnews.com/business/corporate-news/germanys-university-of-europe-for-applied-sciences-set-to-open-its-first-campus-outside-europe-in-dubai-1.1687168659901
February 2023
- The Börsenzeitung carries an interview with Prof. Wolfgang Merkle under the headline “A mixture of ignorance and resignation”
- The UE Innovation Hub is shown as a best practice in the HomeReport 2023 of the Zukunftsinstitut in the chapter “Edutecture – Education needs better equipment”.
- Applied HE reports about the joint BVB scholarship of Borussia Dortmund and UE.
- Braunschweiger Zeitung has included press release about the BVB scholarship.
January 2023
- Trade expert Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkle considers the red pencil to be exactly the wrong way to save Galeria. He also sees Douglas facing a relegation featured in the WAZ.
- Deutschlandfunk Kultur interviews UE student Lukas Jahns about the “Brockdorf bleibt!” art project.
- UE students report on their jobs at the DFB and FC St. Pauli under the heading “From Iserlohn to the big wide soccer world”
- MEP Dr. Peter Liese gives key-note at UE event “Health in Europe 2023”
October 2022
- How the new semester begins on the UE campus reports the magazine Westfalium
- The Börsenblatt reports on the anniversary picture book on the occasion of 50 years of Playboy photography and mentions the final essay by UE professor of media and cultural theory Jiré Emine Gözen.
- Radio MK reports on the University Day of the Märkischer Arbeitgeberverband at which UE professor Britta Ruhnau and Horst-Friedrich Krause speak
- Studytravel reports about the university cooperation with BVB
August 2022
- Prof. Wolfgang Merkle gives a podcast interview on “What is Greenwashing?”
- The Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitung reports in print and online about the student project “Brockdorf bleibt” and for a generation interview with Prof. Christian zu Ermgassen, Prof. Heike Ollertz and students of UE.
- Radio MK reports about the interactive sports day at UE.
- The Lokalkompass and other regional media report on UE’s university cooperation with Borussia Dortmund
- Educational media such as FE News and Applied HE report on UE’s cooperation with the world-renowned photo agency Magnum Photos
- Why the UE Innovation Hub is so attractive for students reports Designerati
- Westfalium magazine reports on the talk with soccer star Roman Weidenfeller at UE’s Iserlohn campus
July 2022
- Professor Werner Frese, Head of Dual Degree Programs and MBA at UE, explains that logistics and transportation professions require more sustainability
- Professor Johannes Kiessler is quoted in a report on “The New Generation” and how workspaces and workforces will change in the future.
- The Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger reports on a lecture by Prof. Dr. Patrick Debbelt on the subject of depression as part of the UE event series “UEber den Tellerrand”.
June 2022
- The Retail Merchandiser published Prof. Wolfgang Merkle’s article on the subject of “Retail in Hypercompetiton”
- The Schleswig Holsteinische Zeitung published an interview with Prof. Christian Mayer zu Ermgassen about the new book “Brokdorf bleibt”.
- Podcast interview with Silke Heuse on the topic of Positive Stress.
- The Logistics Point published an article by Prof. Werner Frese in its June issue on “What challenges the logistic industry now facing?”
May 2022
- TAZ reviews the book by UE art graduate Bernadette Schweihoff.
- The Lokalkompass reports on the new cooperation of UE with the Ice Hockey Club Young Roosters
April 2022
- DER TAGESSPIEGEL reviews the book by UE art graduate Bernadette Schweihoff, which is also her comic debut and bachelor thesis.
- W&V reports on the Media Youngsters finalists, including two UE graduates from the Hamburg campus.
- DUZ interviews UE design expert Prof. Dr. Johannes Kiessler on what behavioral design can do to change human behavior.
- Print only:
- Deutsche Universitätszeitung, Issue 4, 2022
- Christian Jakubetz interviews Prof. Dr. Lauritz Lipp in “A Quarter Hour of Digital” on the D25 Podcast about learning in the metaverse.
- The education platform Spaces4Learning reports on the UE Innovation Hub in Potsdam and the future of studying “New Studying instead of Old School Campus”.
- Prof. Britta Ruhnau, Associate Dean for Business, offers tips on the StudyInternational platform on how students can get used to campus life again after the pandemic and lots of digital classes.
March 2022
- Designbote interviews UE alumnus and NFT startup founder Jesse Metcalfe in the “Spotlight on…Visual Experience Design” series.
- Radio MK interviews Christina Muzzu and Jessica Barthel on the occasion of the fundraiser for Ukraine at the Iserlohn UE Campus
- The Westfälische Rundschau also reported on the big fundraising campaign
- Finanznachrichten other titles such as Wirtschaftsnetz published the press release on the concept of the new UE Innovation Hub “New Studying instead of old School Campus”.
February 2022
- DUP Entrepreneur Magazine reports on new sustainable degree programs at UE
- The Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger reports on the new Covid test center opened by UE students in the student club of the Iserlohn UE campus.
January 2022
- The NRZ Düsseldorf presents the joint project of UE and the magazine fiftyfifty “Homeless people as top models”.
- In an interview with Designbote, Professor Johannes Kiessler explains the contribution Behavioral Design can make to political and social discourse.
- Prof. Wolfgang Merkle explains in the Börsenzeitung why retailers have an advantage.
- In DER STANDARD, Prof. Dr. Christof Windgätter explains why people are primarily data sources in autonomous cars.
- The Rheinische Post publishes in its print edition report under the title “Viel mehr als Zocken” about the study course Game Design at UE.
- Prof. Christian Mayer zu Ermgassen gives a TV interview on NDR- Mein Nachmittag about the UE exhibition at the Brokdorf nuclear power plant.
- Various northern German newspapers report on the art project of the UE students in Brokdorf, including the Schleswig Holsteinische Zeitung
- Radio report in Deutschlandfunk Kultur about Brokdorf with 0-tones from UE students.
November 2021
- The dpa reports UE press release and quote from Frank Esken on “Why less is more when shopping”.
- Frank Esken on the topic of “Why less is more when it comes to shopping”.
- The Schleswig Holsteinische Zeitung reports on the student project “Brokdorf bleibt” (Brokdorf remains) under the title “What would Brokdorf be without a power plant”.
- Studytravel reports about “UE to offer free industry certification courses on digital skills”
- Prof. Thomas Noller gives an interview to the Designbote about the role of artificial intelligence in design.
- The Rheinische Post reports about the UE – Game Design program and conducts an interview with Prof. Csongor Baranyai.
- Photonews reports in an interview with Prof. Heike Ollertz about the Hamburg Portfolio Review
- In various newspapers, Prof. Thomas Rieger calls for a basic right to sport with a view to a new lockdown.
October 2021
- The Handelsblatt Journal published an article by Prof. Wolfgang Merkle on the topic of “Convincing Custormer Experience as a Necessity for Survival”.
- The Trading Herald reports on UE cooperation with the Royal College of Art.
- Indian Education Diary reports on UE collaboration with Royal College of Art.
- The Westfalium reports on the topic “UE finally back on campus”.
- The Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger and Westfälische Rundschau report in print and online on the topic “Why understanding does not mean acting” in an interview with environmental psychologist Prof. Dr. Frank Esken.
September 2021
- porters Without Borders reports on cooperation with the University of Europe for Applied Sciences.
- The Westfalenpost tell the story of how a UE alumna became chief hostess at the Dubai Expo.
- FE News and Global Education News report on UE cooperation with Royal College of Art
- Microsoft reports on collaboration with UE.
July 2021
- The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung headlines “My Professor the Avatar” in its online and print editions and reports on UE’s virtual campus with quotes from Prof. Dr. Lauritz Lipp.
- Deutschlandradio conducts an interview with “Avatar Professor” Lauritz Lipp under the title “With the Avatar into the University”.
June 2021
- Prof. Johannes Kiessler explains how to study digitization in a podcast with Christian Jakubetz from D25.
- Companies Digest publishes commentary by Prof. Thomas Rieger “There must be a right to sport”.
May 2021
- The Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger reports on UE students who have set up a Corona test center in the student club.
- Global Education News reports on UE’s new accreditation.
- Prof. Britta Ruhnau gives a radio interview on Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Campus & Karriere on the topic of “Who’s the boss here”.
- Applied HE quote UE press release and Prof. Johannes Kiessler and Prof. Iris Lorscheid on key manufacturing of the future.
April 2021
- Three UE students contributed to the April issue of Zeit Geschichte magazine, creating illustrations on the theme “Exorcising Evil Thoughts.”
- The Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung reports on UE’s virtual campus in an interview with Lauritz Lipp.
- In der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung schreibt Christof Windgätter über „Die Lehre der Designforschung“.
- The Märkische Allgemeine reports about the system accreditation of UE.
- The VR Room and Immersive Learning platforms reports on new teaching concepts with VR at UE in an interview with Laurits Lipp.
- Education platforms FE News and Indian Education Diary report on UE’s system accreditation.
March 2021
- Under the title “With Street Art against Censorship“, Deutschlandfunk Kultur interviews UE student Ira Dorsch on cooperation with Reporters without Borders
- Prof. Lauritz Lipp explains in Virtual Reality Magazine how 3D formats are revolutionizing teaching.
February 2021
- Ntv selects the winners of the German Service Award 2021, one of which is the University of Europe for Applied Sciences.
- Alma Del Banco Award goes to UE student David Kern
January 2021
- UE Rector Prof. Dr. Maurits van Rooijen explains on Bildungsklick why the UK’s exit from the Erasmus program is a mistake.
- In the newsletter Wissen from ZEIT, UE is quoted in the teaser text regarding its positive handling of teaching during the Covid pandemic.
- The Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten reports on the new UE campus in Potsdam.
- The Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung as well as the B.Z. (Berliner Zeitung) report about the UE Innovation Hub in Potsdam at the Jungfernsee.
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Rieger is interviewed by Mannheimer Morgen about the significance of the lockdown with regard to sports.