Quality Management at UE

Quality Management at UE

Read everything that distinguishes us as a system-accredited private university
and how we constantly develop and review our quality.

Programme Accreditation

The University of Europe for Applied Sciences is proud to be one of the few system-accredited private universities in Germany. To this end, we have formed a large number of internal processes that are continuously monitored and developed.
Our Higher Education Development and Quality Management (HEQM) unit controls the quality management processes as well as the accreditation projects and ensures that we meet the requirements of FIBAA, which has awarded UE the status of a system-accredited university.

Quality at UE

Quality at UE means that

  • The study programmes are developed strictly in accordance with the legal requirements, so that all those who successfully complete their studies at UE obtain a state-recognised Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
  • UE’s study programmes are constantly improved by subjecting newly developed study programmes to a review (programme conference) every two years and to a general overhaul within the framework of re-accreditation after five years at the latest.
  • The needs and wishes of UE students are systematically included in the content and organisational design of the study programmes.
  • The mission statement and the educational profile of UE are broken down to the level of the individual course by means of subject-content standards for teaching.
  • Relationships with UE’s cooperation partners and other interested parties are developed for mutual benefit.

In doing so, UE pursues the concept of a constantly improving and developing higher education institution with a focus on an innovative range of studies. Thus, UE does not only want to measure itself against (external) quality standards, but that it also works continuously on the development of quality in all university areas and pursues self-imposed goals for the quality of the university. This understanding of quality therefore adequately includes the perspective of the “university as an enterprise” in addition to the perspective of study and teaching, in order to be able to offer high-quality study programmes on a sustainable basis.

UE’s quality management is based on the university’s mission statement:

At UE, we have dedicated ourselves to the goal of training our graduates permanently and successfully for fields of activity in the digital age. As a state-recognised university of applied sciences in private sponsorship, we promote independent entrepreneurial and creative thinking and action in a special way. We use modern teaching concepts in adaptable study programmes to impart the technical, decision-making and social skills that enable this. As a cosmopolitan, European university, we cultivate both local and global perspectives and actively promote the international mobility of our students.

We live an appreciative approach that motivates our students and staff to help shape and further develop the university. We cultivate a personal atmosphere at each campus by responding to the unique strengths, life situations and development paths of our students individually and actively supporting them.

We are committed to the diversity principle by creating an open learning and working culture. To this end, diversity, individuality, inclusion and appreciative cooperation are promoted and culturally and structurally induced barriers are dismantled. The university implements equality principles and prevents discrimination.

Our consistent merging of theoretical requirements and practical implementation promotes professional curiosity and enables orientation in the development of a unique profile. For this purpose, we consider dialogue-based, interactive teaching concepts in small groups to be the right way to acquire result-oriented competences. The interdisciplinary cooperation of our different departments is a significant added value for our students.

These goals are met by full-time lecturers who are themselves academically and practically active and intensively familiar with the current challenges in their subject area. We carry out our educational mission with equal responsibility with regard to the professional and social demands placed on us. Last but not least, our university sees itself as an inviting place of knowledge transfer and research, where we guide our students to become confident, reflective and responsible personalities.

UE’s quality manual describes all of UE’s quality management processes in detail.

Systematics of the QM system

UE’s QM system follows a closed control loop, the function of which is monitored by the HEQM staff unit: There are defined and binding processes for the respective components of the control loop, which can be viewed in the university’s quality manual.

Control loop for the systematics of quality management at UE

Comprises all process steps in the development of a new degree programme, which are combined into a project within the university. This project has four different phases, which are controlled by the HEQM staff unit:
  • The pre-project phase includes initial discussions, the creation of a project pass and the approval of the project pass by the university management as well as the communication of the various organs and service departments of the university.
  • The project phase includes the development of a study programme concept, the preparation of fact sheets for the service departments and the preparation of study programme documents such as curricula, module handbooks, diploma supplements as well as a cost calculation and planning of lecturers.
  • The third project step, which precedes the accreditation, is the formal and technical review. All documents relating to the study programme are examined by internal and external experts. At the end of these feedback loops, which are documented in procedural reports, the Quality Advisory Board and external experts make recommendations and impose conditions on the study programme.
  • The awarding of the seal (accreditation) comes at the end of the project when all project steps have been successfully completed. After the certificate has been issued, the programme is implemented, whereby the HEQM staff unit monitors the fulfilment of any conditions and notes them in the accreditation certificate

The quality management system (QM system) for teaching and learning at UE is linked to the control system for teaching and learning (see overview below) in order to realise the quality of teaching at UE. The management system is anchored internally in UE’s basic regulations, which were thoroughly revised in 2022 to bring them into line with the Brandenburg Higher Education Act. Changes to the basic regulations must therefore always be evaluated in terms of the effects they have on the QM system. Some of the quality assurance tasks of some organs and committees are described here. For a more complete list, please consult the UE Quality Manual.

Staff Office for University Development and Quality Management

  • Central organisation of the QM system in teaching and learning on behalf of the Rectorate
  • Quality assurance in appointment procedures (through an appointment officer appointed from among the staff)
  • Overall coordination of process development (programme development, implementation and further development)
  • Monitoring of programme development projects
  • Independent quality assessment of studies and teaching for the Rectorate and the Quality Advisory Board, free from directives
  • Supporting the Rectorate in the planning, implementation and further development of quality assurance procedures
  • Monitoring external requirements for degree programmes and QM systems
  • Conducting evaluations of teaching by means of surveys on behalf of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (by an evaluation officer appointed from among the staff); processing and documenting the results
  • Collection of statistical data for evaluation and documentation

  • In addition to the HEQM staff unit, the other pillars of the QM system include the quality advisory board, the quality circles, the programme conferences and the academic senate.

Vice-President Studies and Teaching

Responsibilities in the QM system:

  • Responsibility for the QM system in teaching and learning
  • Responsibility (in terms of content and content) for overall didactic development
  • Responsibility for course evaluation
  • Highest authority for student complaints related to studying and teaching

Other QM-relevant activities:

  • Developing strategies for teaching and learning in consultation with the rector
  • Developing the educational profile of the UE and controlling and evaluating its effectiveness
  • Further develop study programmes in accordance with university development planning
  • Set and monitor quality objectives for teaching and learning
  • Exercise authority to issue directives to the departments with regard to teaching and learning
  • Chair meetings of the Quality Advisory Board
  • Participate in quality circles

Quality Advisory Board


  • 4 members from the group of university teachers
  • 2 members from the administration and technology group
  • 3 students of the UE

Responsibilities in the QM system:

  • Recommendations for decisions on (internal) accreditations on the basis of procedural documentation submitted by the HEQM staff unit.
  • Critical monitoring of the development of the QM system in teaching and learning

Other QM-relevant activities:

  • Supporting and accompanying quality procedures and instruments within the framework of the QM system
  • Receiving reports on procedures and results of quality assurance measures


Members by virtue of office:

  • Presidium
  • Deans of the faculties

Members by virtue of election:

  • 5 Vice-Deans
  • 5 full-time professors
  • 2 representatives of the academic staff
  • 2 representatives of the technical and administrative staff
  • 2 representatives from the student group

Advisory members:

  • Representative of the Equal Opportunities Officer

Responsibilities in the QM system:

  • Election of the President and the Vice-Presidents for the academic area
  • Implementation of strategic developments at university level through resolutions
  • Statements on questions of study and teaching (especially on study content and procedures)
  • Decisions on the basic regulations and their amendments
  • Decisions on other statutes (e.g. examination regulations, admission and enrolment regulations, evaluation and accreditation regulations)

Other QM-relevant activities:

  • Establishing a Quality Advisory Board as a committee
  • Establish an Examination Committee
  • Establish a funding committee
  • Receive report on procedures and results of quality assurance measures
  • Adopt examination regulations in the event of changes (e.g. as a result of programme developments)

Comprises all process steps in the development of a new degree programme, which are combined into a project within the university. This project has four different phases, which are controlled by the HEQM staff unit:
  • The pre-project phase includes initial discussions, the creation of a project pass and the approval of the project pass by the university management as well as the communication of the various organs and service departments of the university.
  • The project phase includes the development of a study programme concept, the preparation of fact sheets for the service departments and the preparation of study programme documents such as curricula, module handbooks, diploma supplements as well as a cost calculation and planning of lecturers.
  • The third project step, which precedes the accreditation, is the formal and technical review. All documents relating to the study programme are examined by internal and external experts. At the end of these feedback loops, which are documented in procedural reports, the Quality Advisory Board and external experts make recommendations and impose conditions on the study programme.
  • The awarding of the seal (accreditation) comes at the end of the project when all project steps have been successfully completed. After the certificate has been issued, the programme is implemented, whereby the HEQM staff unit monitors the fulfilment of any conditions and notes them in the accreditation certificate

In order to assess the quality of UE’s offer, the university collects a variety of data which are used for a planned and fact-based further development of current study programmes, to increase the success of studies and student satisfaction. Both quantitative and qualitative instruments and procedures are used. Qualitative surveys are essentially questionnaires, which are described in the Evaluation section, as well as the assessment of study programmes by external expertise in the context of programme development. The collection and provision of quantitative data is summarised under the term academic controlling.

The collected data can be summarised in a variety of ways and used for accountability, decision support or information support. For the quality assessment and further development of the degree programmes, individual data is aggregated and presented in various ways and made available to the various stakeholders in a report form. The processes and timelines defined for academic controlling and teaching evaluation have been described in detail in the quality manual. Responsibility for academic controlling lies with the chancellor of the university, while the HEQM staff unit carries out the teaching evaluations. Additional evaluations, e.g. surveys of practice partners, alumni/ae and student satisfaction, are initiated by the Presidential Board and carried out by the university administration. In addition to the internal evaluation procedures, the degree programmes are evaluated by external experts once during the accreditation process and then every five years or if there is a significant change to the degree programme. The HEQM Office also provides information sheets and forms for this purpose, which are available on the university’s intranet.

Stringent management of the various UE regulations, which govern admissions, examinations, evaluations, elections for the various bodies and the appointment of professors, as well as a clearly defined appointment procedure, which is managed by the appointment officer and the Vice-President for Studies and Teaching, also serve to ensure quality.

Comprises all process steps in the development of a new degree programme, which are combined into a project within the university. This project has four different phases, which are controlled by the HEQM staff unit:
  • The pre-project phase includes initial discussions, the creation of a project pass and the approval of the project pass by the university management as well as the communication of the various organs and service departments of the university.
  • The project phase includes the development of a study programme concept, the preparation of fact sheets for the service departments and the preparation of study programme documents such as curricula, module handbooks, diploma supplements as well as a cost calculation and planning of lecturers.
  • The third project step, which precedes the accreditation, is the formal and technical review. All documents relating to the study programme are examined by internal and external experts. At the end of these feedback loops, which are documented in procedural reports, the Quality Advisory Board and external experts make recommendations and impose conditions on the study programme.
  • The awarding of the seal (accreditation) comes at the end of the project when all project steps have been successfully completed. After the certificate has been issued, the programme is implemented, whereby the HEQM staff unit monitors the fulfilment of any conditions and notes them in the accreditation certificate

In order to improve the quality of teaching, the findings from academic controlling and evaluations are used.

The following measures are used for this purpose:

Staff unit Qualityteaching@UE

The incentive system for promoting the quality of good teaching consists of the following categories:

  • Recruitment and onboarding
  • Staff development and support services for teachers
  • UE teaching award
  • Quality management in teaching and learning
  • Communication and visibility

The staff unit Qualityteaching@UE is responsible for identifying the need for continuing education, planning continuing education measures, implementing them, evaluating them and ensuring that they are transferred to teaching at the UE.

Teaching improvement talk

Aim and purpose:

  • Ensuring and developing the quality of study and teaching
  • Monitoring the quality guidelines for teaching and learning

  • PRSL


  • Associate Dean
  • Director of Studies
  • escalating: Dean, Vice President Studies + Teaching


  • HEQM
  • Lecturers


  • Every semester


  • The lecturer ranks outside the quality guideline (red traffic light colour) in the quality ranking (overall evaluation) in one semester or within the tolerance (yellow traffic light colour) in two directly consecutive semesters.
  • Technical systems:
  • EvaSys
  • Microsoft 365

Quality Circle

Aim and purpose:

  • Quality assurance and development of study and teaching at site level.
  • Analysis and validation of results of the LVE and, if applicable, other surveys
  • Derivation of site-specific improvement measures


  • Vice President Studies and Teaching
  • Chancellor


  • HEQM staff unit


  • Student representatives
  • Campus Managers
  • Associate Deans


  • Every semester


  • Interval

Programme Conferences
Aim and purpose:

  • Ensuring and developing the quality of study and teaching, level: study programme.
  • Review of the curriculum with regard to subject-related content design and methodological-didactic approaches
  • Further development of the module-related and superordinate qualification goals
  • Systematic participation of teachers, students, graduates, representatives of professional practice and cooperation partners in the further development of the study programmes


  • Vice President Studies and Teaching
  • Dean


  • Programme management


  • Full-time and freelance lecturers of the respective degree programme or family of degree programmes
  • Representatives from the UE and GUS Services
  • HEQM staff unit
  • Indirectly (via survey results): Students and graduates
  • For dual study programmes also: cooperation partners, representatives of the vocational school(s) involved


  • After internal accreditation or reaccreditation: every 2 years (2 years after introduction, 1 year before end of accreditation period)


  • Interval


In order to provide all UE stakeholders with a stringent picture of teaching quality, there is an internal reporting system:

In addition, there are various external reports: once a year, the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture is informed about the quality of teaching at UE with a detailed report. UE also participates in ranking procedures such as U-Multirank and CHE. Participation in the international QS ranking procedure is in preparation.

  • The pre-project phase includes initial discussions, the creation of a project pass and the approval of the project pass by the university management as well as the communication of the various organs and service departments of the university.
  • The project phase includes the development of a study programme concept, the preparation of fact sheets for the service departments and the preparation of study programme documents such as curricula, module handbooks, diploma supplements as well as a cost calculation and planning of lecturers.
  • The third project step, which precedes the accreditation, is the formal and technical review. All documents relating to the study programme are examined by internal and external experts. At the end of these feedback loops, which are documented in procedural reports, the Quality Advisory Board and external experts make recommendations and impose conditions on the study programme.
  • The awarding of the seal (accreditation) comes at the end of the project when all project steps have been successfully completed. After the certificate has been issued, the programme is implemented, whereby the HEQM staff unit monitors the fulfilment of any conditions and notes them in the accreditation certificate

Quality management control system at UE

Quality and success

UE’s QM system makes a decisive contribution to the success of our studies and the satisfaction of our students. Closely related to this is the satisfaction of our teaching and administrative staff. The university management recognises this and applies the same quality standards to itself as an employer as it does in its dealings with the university’s students.