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Daniel Engelbrecht

Daniel Engelbrecht

Daniel Engelbrecht

Daniel Engelbrecht, motivational coach and ex-professional football player, tells UE how he accepted his stroke of fate as a challenge and fought his way back into life in an impressive way. After suffering a cardiac arrest on the pitch, he was the first German professional footballer to return to the stadium with an implanted defibrillator after numerous operations and stays in hospital. This comeback is unique and is going around the world. With us, he told guests and students about his experiences and motivates people to accept strokes of fate and get on with life.

"I want to inspire and encourage people with my story and was very happy about our exchange at UE".

As a ‘University of Applied Sciences’ it is natural for UE to work with inspiring personalities in addition to cooperating with innovative companies, associations and agencies. Many of them have pursued their goals through commitment, hard work and creativity and have made careers in diverse fields. Some of them have impressed us so much that we have included them in our ‘Wall of Fame’.