Digital knowledge at your fingertips.

UE Catalogue: The UE Library’s catalogue is the prime resource for e-books at UE. It combines our licenced collection of e-books with the two largest collections of open-access e-books in one search interface.
Ebook Central (EBC): The majority of e-books available at UE and in our library’s catalogue come from our EBC portal. While not offering access to all our e-books, the portal offers search functionalities differing from the catalogue and may be worth a research effort in its own right. Here is how it works:
- Registration: Before being able to access e-books in EBC, you need to create a user account. For verification reasons, the registration process must be completed from within our university’s WLAN using your university e-mail address! Should you not be able to be on campus, please inform the library. They will create an account for you.
- Research and Access: In EBC, two types of e-books are to be found: request items and full-access items. While the latter are available indefinitely, the former are accessible for a limited amount of time only before they need to be requested from the library. Requests are attended to within 24 hours at the most. The search results list will always display all e-books available. The ‘availability’ section in the centre of each e-book’s page details the respective access options.
- Download and terms of use: The terms of use for each title differ as the publishing companies determine them. Details of the terms of use can be found in the ‚availability‘ section of the respective title’s page in EBC. Please note that complying with the terms of use is your liability (see section 20 subsection 2 of UE Library Regulations).
For all questions regarding our e-book services, please get in touch with your local branch of UE Library.
- SPRINGER eJOURNALS (Access via the library page in the UE’s OnlineCampus): Full-text access to the current issues of approx. 2,800 Springer journals. Please find a continuously updated list of all Springer e-journals here.
- PSYJOURNALS (Access via the library page in the UE’s OnlineCampus): Full-text access to the entire e-journal portfolio by publisher Hogrefe.
- WILEY eJOURNALS (login-free campus access)
- WILEY eJOURNALS (remote access, log in with OnlineCampus credentials required): Full-text access to the current issues of approx. 1,700 Wiley journals. Please find a continuously updated list of all journals here.
- WISO (login-free campus access)
- WISO (remote access, log in with OnlineCampus credentials required): Full-text economics database with a focus on applied economics. (Please note: WISO is only available with a German-language interface. Also, the large majority of documents in WISO is in German.)
For all questions regarding our e-journal services, please contact your local branch of UE Library.