UE Library
Information resources and services for your study, teaching, and research.
UE Future LibraryUE Library
UE Library is the main provider of knowledge resources for students and faculty at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences.
Following an e-preferred strategy, we have curated an extensive portfolio of providers such as Springer eJournals, Wiley eJournals, Elsevier eJournals, Proquest Ebook Central and Statista.
What we offer

Development of Research Skills

Citation Support
Access to Resources
Through a single sign-on process, students and colleagues can access all resources the UE Future Library Platform. Please register using you UE Microsoft email address and password.
For technical issues, please contact library.berlin@ue-germany.de
More information
Overdue Fees
UE Library charges overdue fees when items are returned after their due date. The first reminder is send out via e-mail the day after the date due. It is followed by a second (8 days after), third (15 days after) and fourth (22 days after) reminder. While the first reminder is free of charge, subsequent reminders carry an increasing fee of 5 € / 5 € / 10€ per item. After the fourth reminder, the library user account will be blocked and all borrowing privileges will be suspended until the items in question have been returned.
Copyright & Media Usage
Alongside conventional print media, UE Library also offers access to digital collections. Like all other publications, these too are subject of the existing copyright laws. Given the particular nature of digital resources, UE Library wants to stress the fact that we are only offering our services provided that patrons observe both existing licence agreements and the German copyright legislation in effect – especially where copying, public performances and making available to the public are concerned. In cases of uncertainty regarding permissible media usage, please feel free to contact UE Library and discuss matters with us.
UE Library charges overdue fees when items are returned after their due date. The first reminder is send out via e-mail the day after the date due. It is followed by a second (8 days after), third (15 days after) and fourth (22 days after) reminder. While the first reminder is free of charge, subsequent reminders carry an increasing fee of 5 € / 5 € / 10€ per item. After the fourth reminder, the library user account will be blocked and all borrowing privileges will be suspended until the items in question have been returned.
Copyright & Media Usage
Alongside conventional print media, UE Library also offers access to digital collections. Like all other publications, these too are subject of the existing copyright laws. Given the particular nature of digital resources, UE Library wants to stress the fact that we are only offering our services provided that patrons observe both existing licence agreements and the German copyright legislation in effect – especially where copying, public performances and making available to the public are concerned. In cases of uncertainty regarding permissible media usage, please feel free to contact UE Library and discuss matters with us.