Psychological counselling

Psychological Counselling

A service for our students.

Psychological Counselling

The UE’s psychological counseling supports students with personal crises and stress as well as with all questions or concerns regarding possible effects on their studies. Our service includes individual counseling sessions. The counseling is strictly confidential and free of charge. Offered languages are English, Polish, German.

You are feeling stuck or haven’t even felt well for a long time?
You have questions or concerns about your mental health?
Studying in general and studying abroad can be both a rewarding experience and an enormous challenge. Dealing with a new culture and everyday life in Germany without the support of your social network at home could lead to adjustment difficulties. Psychological and physical symptoms can, in some cases, result. If you feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed or irritable, our Psychological Counseling service might be able to help you and support you in the improvement of your situation.
How can a degree in psychology help you become a successful entrepreneur
We listen to you openly and neutrally and help you in your striving for change in cases of:
  • work and learning difficulties
  • time and stress management
  • motivation problems
  • fear of exams and fear of public speaking
  • experiences of being overwhelmed
  • personal  crisis
  • issues with your self-worth
  • interpersonal conflicts and difficulties with lecturers or professors
  • addiction issues (media, substances etc.)
  • experiences of discrimination
  • specific topics for international students
  • therapy request and therapy search

Please note: Psychological counseling does not replace psychotherapy. Identification of the need for treatment as well as help with finding a potential therapy place are being offered by us.

If you are in an acute mental crisis, you can contact the social psychiatric services of the Berlin districts, the Berlin crisis service or the rescue center of the psychiatric clinic responsible for you day and night. More information on the emergency plan can be found here.

Psychological Counseling during summer semester 2024
Open drop-in office hour, weekly Wednesdays  1 – 2pm, room 2.15
Campus Berlin, Dessauer Str. 3-5, 10963 Berlin

You can make appointments for counseling sessions via e-mail, or during the drop-in office hours. The drop-in office hours are an opportunity to address your issues in a short conversation. After that, we can decide on the next steps to be taken.

Individual counseling sessions will be arranged with you via e-mail or during the drop-in office hours and will be scheduled to take place outside drop-in office hours. Apart from the open office hours, we exclusively work on fixed appointments.

In our initial first session, we will try to decide together how things will proceed. Further counseling appointments can follow or we might help you find a therapist or a suitable group to help you. The initial first session takes place in person, further sessions can be held digitally.

The psychological counseling is strictly confidential and free of charge.

Karolina Spolniewski