Five tips to beat the November blues

Five tips to beat the November blues

After the clock moved backwards, it’s getting dark earlier and earlier.You lack motivation for the day and the gray and cloudy weather is eating into your soul? Then you’re not alone. Many people experience the November blues and the accompanying lethargy. In this piece we are giving you 5 tips to combat it!

1. Be active through late fall and winter

The wind is picking up outside and it’s always raining? It’s not the ideal weather to leave your front door. You would rather warp yourself in blanket and binge watch or read a book? Stop! Even in the face of constant horrible weather, you should remain active and meet up with your friends.

Do not get holed up in your room, but make plans with your friends or family, which you look forward to despite the grim weather. Try new activities such as escape rooms, laser tag, or indoor trampolining.Meet up to cook or watch movies together, but move about and leave your comfort zone. Just sitting around and waiting for the summer to come around again is a no-no.

Advent starts on Sunday, December 2, 2018. There are many huts in Christmas markets and there is something magical in the towns and countryside in the lead-up to Christmas. Enjoy this time, drink mulled wine and hot chocolate and treat yourself to a caramelized apple or roasted almonds.

2. Stay warm and relaxed

Fall is famous for its weather fluctuations. One day it can be warm and sunny but the next day can be raining cats and dogs. Sniffing and catching a cold are part of the season. In order to combat them, prescribe yourself doses of relaxation and peace from time to time.

So that you’re prepared against illnesses, you should drink warm beverages, in particular tea. Warm your body from within.Do you have a bathtub at home? Then it is the perfect time to relax in it. Buy some bath essences like bath salts or oils and listen to music and switch your mind off.A nice change from bathing at home is visiting a sauna bath. There you can sweat out your stress and lack of motivation and get new energy. Leave the bad weather and lethargy behind you and do your body and mind a lot of good.

3. Get motivated with little rewards

You find it really hard to counter the November blues? You simply don’t have any enthusiasm for tomorrow?Motivate yourself with small things for the week. Prepare food that you like to eat, treat yourself to a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate, or order a dish at your favorite restaurant.Try a new kind of tea every day. Buy a new book or watch a movie you haven’t watched for a very long time.Meet up with friends and plan small highlights which you can look forward greatly. Reward yourself with things that make you happy and motivate you in gloomy times.

4. Light is good for your soul (?)

An important factor in the November blues is the decreasingly amount of light per day. Especially in winter you set off in the dark in the morning and come back home in the dark. You spend your time in buildings during the day and as such you can only get little natural light.This is actually very important. Our bodies require vitamin D and without it we feel lazy and tired.

So that you don’t need to take tablets to ensure sufficient intake of vitamin D, you should get out to get as much fresh air as possible.Wrap yourself up appropriately for the weather and use long and short breaks to stretch your legs. That way your body and mind will become active again and even in overcast sky and rain, the natural light provides you with beneficial vitamin D.Or use your free time during the weekend and plan an extended walk. You don’t want to wander about alone? Convince your friends or family to join you. So you can spend time together and do yourselves some good.

5. Escape the November blues

Do you still have vacation days for the year or a long weekend? How about a short trip?Look for a good deal for a short trip and leave your worries behind. Whether it’s sun, sea, and sand, city trip, or skiing in the mountains, go for a relaxing adventure. A vacation of three to four days changes the scenery and refreshes your mind.A short trip fills you with energy and you can restart more motivated when you come back.You don’t have sufficient money or time to treat yourself to a short vocation this year? How about next year? Look early for good deals and set aside a bit of money for your short trip to combat the November blues. Planning vacation and pure anticipation can be motivating.

The November blues is a bad time, and it doesn’t just leave you in winter depression. Do something with your family and friends and do not simply retreat in your shell. Take care of your health, sufficient relaxation, and treat yourself to breaks from the everyday dullness and recharge your batteries.

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