A University of Applied Sciences – What are the Advantages?

A University of Applied Sciences – What are the Advantages?

University or University of Applied Sciences?Lots of high school graduates ask themselves this question. Today, the UE will present the advantages of a German “Fachhochschule (FH)” or university of applied sciences, because the preconceived idea that an “FH” isn’t nearly as good as a university has long been disproven.

Naturally, there are differences, but they don’t lie in the quality of the academic instruction.

High School Grad – Looking for Freedom

With a high school diploma, all doors are open to you.  This is what your teachers have always told you. To study at a university of applied sciences, you don’t necessarily need high school a diploma. A technical diploma or an apprenticeship in the area of study qualifies you just as well. Meanwhile, at many of these schools, the emphasis is largely on your personality and your level of motivation when it comes to a program of study.

Practical Experience, Rather Than Just Dry Theory

The program of study at a university of applied sciences, unlike at a university, is extremely practice oriented.  You’ll be prepared for your future professional life, rather than just simply philosophizing with various theories. Employers require work experience that qualifies applicants for a position, and the programs of study at universities of applied sciences are designed to prepare you professionally.Required internships, as well as practical and international semesters are integrated into the program, allowing you to gain valuable experience parallel to studying and gain points with your future employer.

More Isn’t Always Better

Whether its summer or winter, tons of people packed together on public transit drive us crazy. Now imagine having to deal with this at your university in the lecture halls as well. At a university, you can sometimes have 400 classmates in one lecture. The noise level is tremendous and comfort is out of the question.Universities of applied sciences set themselves apart with their small classes. The learning environment at a university of applied sciences is, therefore, the complete opposite of what you find at a university.

Intensive Support

As a student at a university of applied sciences , small course groups allow you to have close interaction with the instructors and with student services. This intensive support has a positive effect on your program of study. You don’t have to wait forever for feedback from instructors, and you won’t experience long waiting times for services, either. Problems are addressed quickly—your time is valuable and shouldn’t be wasted on waiting.

Moreover, universities of applied sciences can also react quickly to small changes in the economy and adapt the curriculum accordingly. In this way, programs are always up to date and ideally suited to the working world.

If you’re more interested in practical experience, rather than dry theory, and you’d rather study in small groups, rather than in crowded lecture halls, a university of applied sciences is just right for you.Along with these advantaged, you get a close network of support that connects students with student services and instructors, guaranteeing you quick feedback and effective problem solving.

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